Bruno Sales da Silva
About Bruno
Mr SALES DA SILVA Bruno, senior project manager, junior researcher, trainer and facilitator
- M.Sc. in composite materials and industrial processes, EQF7 (1991, Bordeaux-1-Sciences-et-Technologies, Bordeaux France)
30 years of management within multicultural/international environments, in a series of economic sectors - SME ecosystems expert incorporating education, training and transition to employment, business models, open marketplace, circular and bio economy mechanisms, blockchain technology and industry 4.0 systems and mechanisms
- digitisation processes (education and training, collaborative platforms, research and development)
- design and development of training programmes according to EU frameworks of qualifications
- solid knowledge on industrial processes and transformation systems
expertise in open and participative innovation in the composite materials industry
Sortie pertinente
- “Bottom-up Sport Partnership – BSPORT+” (ERASMUS+ funded project 2020-2023)
B-SPORT+ is a blueprint to engage and activate persons with disabilities (PwD) and to assist them adopting healthy habits through a lifelong sporting system starting at early age and continuing in their active life (workplace, professional activity, etc.). Accordingly, B-SPORTS+ project focuses on developing actionable and deployable mechanisms, for improving the engagement and activation of PwD in healthier lifestyles including personalised risk prediction, prevention and intervention, via creating new cooperation settings and synergies and supporting existing ones, across key organisations and existing networks. - CITIES2030 (H2020 funded project 2020-2024)
The project commits to work towards the transformation and restructuring of the way systems produce, transport and supply, recycle and reuse food in the 21st century, and incorporates a substantial component of ICT generating large-scale collection of user-generated data (compliance, data protection, privacy and security). The project is a citizen and open science driven initiative and support integration with tools and services under the EOSC with policy and innovation frameworks. CITIES2030 integrates a series of activities to generate healthcare innovative settings for preventive care, person-centered early risk prediction, prevention and intervention models.