Katarina Đokić

Communication strategist at Web Bay

About Katarina

Katarina heeft meer dan 6 jaar ervaring als Projectmanager en Communicatiestrateeg. Ze heeft met succes verspreidings- en communicatiestrategieën toegepast voor verschillende door de EU gefinancierde projecten met betrekking tot mensenrechten, diversiteit en gezondheidsindustrieën en maakte deel uit van multinationale consortia.
She is translating her experience using EU-projects conduct methodologies to Webbaai‘s internal projects, makes sure they’re aligned, and acts as a link between the client’s team and development. She provides consultancy for best practices within the project cycle, and makes sure that the client’s vision is translated into the final product.

Relevante uitvoer

Cycle Highways Innovation for smarter People Transport and Spatial Planning (CHIPS) project – will develop and promote cycle highways as an effective and cost efficient low carbon solution for commuting towards and from urban employment poles. CHIPS will demonstrate that, especially in combination with the growing number of e-bikes, cycle highway innovation can effectively get commuters out of their cars.


Aviation Noise Impact Management through Novel Approaches (ANIMA) project – is a constantly evolving EU-funded project, which deals with a global issue affecting thousands of people living around airports – aviation noise. ANIMA seeks to improve the lives of people directly affected by aviation noise around Europe’s major airports. The vital part of the project is connecting with stakeholders and experts throughout the process in order to ensure relevant and timely solutions and tools.

Voor beide projecten was Web Bay een communicatie- en verspreidingsconsulent en hielp hij met hun aanwezigheid op het web en digitale producten. We waren betrokken bij de ontwikkeling van Cycle Highway Manual, dat tot doel heeft professionals te helpen die zich bezighouden met planning, ontwerp, aanleg, verkoop, onderhoud, monitoring of evaluatie van fietssnelwegen.