In early January 2022, the French President, Emmanuel Macron, launched the first Action Plan to Fight Endometriosis. (Source Youtube)

France’s President Emmanuel Macron delivers a speech as he adresses his New Year’s wishes to media at the Elysee Palace in Paris on January 11, 2022. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / POOL / AFP)

The national plan will address awareness and education, encourage early diagnosis, and advance treatment on the disease by allocating designated centers of treatment in each region of the country. The plan will also focus on forming research teams to study the etiology of the disease. The plan has been developed, in huge part, by gynecologist and European Parliament member Chrysoula Zacharopoulou. (Source)

Which country will follow?


In August 2021, Scotland was bidding to become a ’world leader’ in addressing women’s health inequalities. A new plan included recommendations for better endometriosis diagnosis and treatment, and specialist menopause services. It also calls for a drive to create greater awareness of heart disease symptoms and risks.

Women’s Health Minister Maree Todd said the strategy would drive wider change across health and social care services. She added that when women and girls are supported to lead healthy lives and fulfil their potential, the whole of society benefits. (Source)


In the summer of 2021, the Hungarian Health Ministry announced that he would like to shorten the 4.5 years between the onset of symptoms and the final diagnosis of endometriosis even further.


In December 2017 in Australia, the Turnbull Government announced the development of the National Action Plan. This was the first National Action Plan for Endometriosis. It provided a platform for improving the awareness, understanding, treatment of, and research into endometriosis and associated chronic pelvic pain in Australia. (Source)