Mette Nyegaard
Aalborg University
About Mette
Professor, PhD Mette Nyegaard (female) is specialised in genetics of complex diseases. Her research focus is how human genomes vary and how this variation shapes biology. MN has a long- standing interest in endometriosis, whichh stems from her 2-year post-doctoral research stay at Dr Linda Giudices research group at Stanford Medical School.
Mette Nyegaard initiated the WERF EPHect biobank at Skejby hospital and been responsible for translating the WERF EPHect to Danish and implementing the questionaire to RedCap. MN is part of the Danish Endometriosis Research and International Endometriosis Genetic Consortium (IEGC). ORCID ID 0000-0003-4973-8543.
Relevant output
- Burney RO, Talbi S, Hamilton AE, Vo KC, Nyegaard M, Nezhat CR, Lessey BA, Giudice LC. Gene expression analysis of endometrium reveals progesterone resistance and candidate susceptibility genes in women with endometriosis. Endocrinology. 2007 Aug;148(8):3814-26.
- Sapkota Y, Vivo I, Steinthorsdottir V, Fassbender A, Bowdler L, Buring JE, Edwards TL, Jones S, O D, Peterse D, Rexrode KM, Ridker PM, Schork AJ, Thorleifsson G, Wallace LM; iPSYCH-SSI-Broad Group, Kraft P, Morris AP, Nyholt DR, Edwards DRV, Nyegaard M, D’Hooghe T, Chasman DI, Stefansson K, Missmer SA, Montgomery GW. Analysis of potential protein-modifying variants in 9000 endometriosis patients and 150000 controls of European ancestry. Sci Rep. 2017 Sep 12;7(1):11380.
- Rahmioglu N, Fassbender A, Vitonis AF, Tworoger SS, Hummelshoj L, D’Hooghe TM, Adamson GD, Giudice LC, Becker CM, Zondervan KT, Missmer SA; WERF EPHect Working Group. World Endometriosis Research Foundation Endometriosis Phenome and Biobanking Harmonization Project: III. Fluid biospecimen collection, processing, and storage in endometriosis research. Fertil Steril. 2014 Nov;102(5):1233-43.
- Adewuyi EO, Sapkota Y, International Endogene Consortium Iec, 23andMe Research Team, International Headache Genetics Consortium Ihgc, Auta A, Yoshihara K, Nyegaard M, Griffiths LR, Montgomery GW, Chasman DI, Nyholt DR. Shared Molecular Genetic Mechanisms Underlie Endometriosis and Migraine Comorbidity. Genes (Basel). 2020 Feb 29;11(3):268.
- Fassbender A, Rahmioglu N, Vitonis AF, Viganò P, Giudice LC, D’Hooghe TM, Hummelshoj L, Adamson GD, Becker CM, Missmer SA, Zondervan KT; WERF EPHect Working Group. World Endometriosis Research Foundation Endometriosis Phenome and Biobanking Harmonisation Project: IV. Tissue collection, processing, and storage in endometriosis research. Fertil Steril. 2014 Nov;102(5):1244-53.
- Vitonis AF, Vincent K, Rahmioglu N, Fassbender A, Buck Louis GM, Hummelshoj L, Giudice LC, Stratton P, Adamson GD, Becker CM, Zondervan KT, Missmer SA; WERF EPHect Working Group.. World Endometriosis Research Foundation Endometriosis Phenome and Biobanking Harmonization Project: II. Clinical and covariate phenotype data collection in endometriosis research. Fertil Steril. 2014 Nov;102(5):1223-32
- Becker CM, Laufer MR, Stratton P, Hummelshoj L, Missmer SA, Zondervan KT, Adamson GD; WERF EPHect Working Group. World Endometriosis Research Foundation Endometriosis Phenome and Biobanking Harmonisation Project: I. Surgical phenotype data collection in endometriosis research. Fertil Steril. 2014 Nov;102(5):1213-22.