Meet Francesco Mureddu, a unique FEMaLe adviser. Among the many titles he holds, he is Senior Director at The Lisbon Council and as such has direct access to policy makers.
Fingers crossed for your #endometriosis lobbying efforts in Brussels????
About Francesco:
Francesco Mureddu is a leading analyst on innovation and technology policies with a special focus on digital transformation, big data, artificial intelligence, eGovernment, smart cities, social innovation, future science, health and citizen science. He holds a PhD in economics from the University of Cagliari and a Master’s in economics from the Catholic University of Louvain. He has played a leading role in the delivery of more than 40 (industrial, R&D, consulting) projects, for both private & public sector organizations. He regularly serves as track chair in the conference EGOV-CeDEM-ePart, he is one of the general chairs and regional chair EMEA for Data for Policy 2022, and he is Area Editor for Area 1: Data Driven Transformations in Policy & Governance, for the journal Data & Policy, Cambridge University Press.
Relevant publications:
Mureddu, F., Osimo, D., Kenny, A., Upson, M., Peristeras, V. (2022). Fostering a Data-Centric Public Administration: Strategies, Policy Models and Technologies. In: Charalabidis, Y., Flak, L.S., Viale Pereira, G. (eds) Scientific Foundations of Digital Governance and Transformation. Public Administration and Information Technology, vol 38. Springer, Cham.
The 2021 State of Co-Creation: Delivering Services Together. With Charlotte van Ooijen and the Co-VAL Stakeholder Panel (2021) Lisbon Council Policy Brief Vol. 14, No. 1 (2021)