FEMaLe is proud to start presenting our project advisers, starting with reproductive endocrinologist and endometriosis specialist Engin Oral, who’s done and seen more than most in the world of endometriosis. 

Learn even more about him in this intervju

I am reproductive endocrinologist and an endometriosis specialist. Upon completion of my residency at Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty I finished my postdoctoral training at Yale University, New Haven, USA. I practiced as a specialist at Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of OB&GYN under the division of Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility and IVF between 1997-2019, during which I received the degrees as associated professor and professor. Now I serve as a clinical professor at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Bezmialem Vakıf University, Istanbul, Turkey.
I am the former president of the European Endometriosis League and an active executive board member of the society since 2016. I founded Endometriosis and Adenomyosis Society, Turkey in 2009 and also serving actively as an executive board member. I was appointed as World Endometriosis Society Senior Ambassador in March 2019. I have 67 peer-reviewed articles in international academic journals, 27 of which are on endometriosis,. My research is mainly focused on endometriosis, ART and infertility.

I founded Endometriosis and Adenomyosis Society, Turkey in 2009 in order to enhance both academic awareness and interactions among physicians and also to increase patient awareness in Turkey. With the power of the association, we organize many scientific courses, seminars, webinars and patient events in the field of endometriosis every year. You can visit the Spletna stran for more detailed information. In the light of these academic activities, we published the ‘Turkish Guideline of Diagnosis and Management of Endometriosis‘ which I chaired. I also contributed to the latest ESHRE, 2022 Endometriosis Guideline under the ‘pain section’.

A few relevant publications to endometriosis and FEMaLe can be found in picture #2.