Change needs to happen, sooner rather than later. A sentiment shared by FEMaLer Mikkel Seyer-Hansen, Louise Dreisig and Camilla Fabricius in a recent appearance on Danish tv. endometriosis.
Mikkel Seyer-Hansen is consultant, PhD and assistant professor at the department of Gynaecology at Aarhus University Hospital (Aarhus Universitets Hospital), Denmark. His main surgical, scientific and diagnostic field has been endometriosis since 2006, and in 2014 he was certified endometriosis expert after operative training in Austria by Prof. Dr. Joerg Keckstein and in Italy by Mario Malzoni. Mikkel Seyer-Hansen has performed around 700 laparoscopic bowel resections and has extended surgical experience in advanced endometriosis.
At present we run a PhD study in relation to fertility and bowel endometriosis together with centers in Bordeaux, Budapest and Verona. Hopefully we will soon launch a PhD project in the usage of standardized ultrasound to reduce the diagnostic delay in endometriosis together with prof. Hudelist from Vienna.