Links between investment in women’s health and wider economic growth:
This report will quantify the intrinsic links between investment in women’s health and wider economic growth to make the case to the UK government that women’s health, the NHS England, and the wider economy cannot continue to be viewed as separate concerns, and the most basic needs of 51% of the population should be prioritized.

In the short term, we need to identify successful companies and indications with high unmet medical need in Women’s Health through systematic assessment, triggering enthusiasm and interest. This would allow the field to be portrayed as a successful business case. Start engaging with regulators and policy makers to develop mid and long term goals.

Then, we need to develop a health economics model to demonstrate the positive business case for investing in Women’s Health, supporting funding decisions using two perspectives:

→ Business Case for governmental entities (mostly in US and EU) focusing on return on investing in Women’s Health research by healthcare savings and economic gains (e.g., working days gained). An example is the current effort by the NHS Confederation for England’s Women Health initiative (more info in the next section). This effort requires a concerted approach and an injection of substantial capital into Women’s Health (such as the
NIH Cancer moonshot which authorized $1.8bn to cancer research over a 7 year period);

→ Business Case for private investors focusing on return on investment for Women’s Health, emphasizing the potential return on investment and the reduced risk associated with this therapeutic area when substantial government backing mirror practices in other domains.

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