To estimate the prevalence and geographical distribution of endometriosis-like symptoms in Denmark and Scotland. The health related and social consequences of diagnostic delay for the individual and the society will be estimated.
A selected few key FEMaLe outputs and highlights in WP3 from July 2022 to December 2023:
– With the aim of identifying and reaching consensus on relevant symptoms related to endometriosis , a baseline questionnaire was developed based on inputs from endometriosis patients, medical doctors and researchers specialised in endometriosis; consensus was reached on six relevant symptoms. A manuscript covering the results from the Delphi study is currently under preparation.
Results from WP3 were presented at the World Congress on Endometriosis in Edinburgh in May, 2023:
* One Step Closer to the True Prevalence Of Endometriosis: Results Of A Delphi Study (Poster)
– The results from the Delphi study contributed to the development of a survey questionnaire, which was sent to a random sample of 63,000 Danish women in the spring 2023. These data are currently being linked to updated Danish registry data and will be used to describe the geographical distribution of endometriosis-like symptoms in Denmark as well as a phenotypic description of women with endometriosis.
More results from WP3 were presented at the World Congress on Endometriosis in Edinburgh in May, 2023:
* Endometriosis: Consequences of Delayed Diagnosis (Oral)
For the oral presentation, Anna Melgaard won the prize for Best Oral Presentation from an Early Career Scientists.
– A scientific paper comparing health care use in the 10 years preceding the endometriosis diagnosis with that of women without diagnosis, has been published in Human Reproduction in August 2023.