To assist preventing development of chronic pain problems by teaching patients how to manage and reduce the negative physical, psychological and social symptoms by encouraging behaviour changes, is the aim of WP8.
A selected few key FEMaLe project outputs and highlights in WP8 from July 2022 to December 2023:
- To maximise the impact of the MY-ENDO program, we conducted a qualitative feasibility study.
- A scientific article on the feasibility of the MY-ENDO program has been submitted for publication in an international scientific journal and is currently under review.
- A new GDPR-compliant research platform for the MY-ENDO program has been developed.
- The new research platform has been tested and evaluated by researchers and mindfulness experts and technical issues have been solved.
- The full MY-ENDO program has been pilot-tested on the new research platform, both the self-guided version and the therapist-guided version, by five patients with endometriosis.
- The content of the MY-ENDO program has been translated from Danish into English and Hungarian, and both translations have been linguistically validated.
Results from WP8 were presented during the World Congress on Endometriosis in Edinburgh in May, 2023:
- Developing a digital mindfulness- and acceptance-based intervention for endometriosis management (Oral).
- The effects of a digital endometriosis self-management program – Protocol for a three-armed RCT (Poster)
- Women with endometriosis experiences of receiving a digital mindfulness- and acceptance-based intervention for endometriosis management (Poster)