Dr Lucky Saraswat

Consultant Gynaecologist and endometriosis specialist in Aberdeen

About Lucky

Dr Lucky Saraswat on günekoloog ja endometrioosi spetsialist Šotimaal Aberdeenis. Ta tunneb suurt huvi naiste terviseuuringute vastu, keskendudes endometrioosile ja menstruaaltsükli probleemidele. Tema teadmised hõlmavad suurte epidemioloogiliste uuringute läbiviimist, kasutades suurandmeid, mitmekeskuselisi kliinilisi uuringuid ja tervishoiuteenuste uuringuid.
Ta juhib mitmeid uurimisprojekte, mille eesmärk on optimeerida endometrioosi ravi, vähendada diagnoosi viivitust ning uurida endometrioosihaigete kogemusi ja vajadusi. Ta teeb koostööd Šoti valitsuse ja Endometriosis UK-ga, et vähendada endometrioosihaigete hoolduse erinevusi ning nõustab valitsust endometrioosi ja naiste terviseprobleemidega seotud kliiniliste prioriteetide ja tervisepoliitika osas.

Vastav väljund

REGAL trial: Recurrence of Endometriosis: A randomised controlled trial of clinical and cost-effectiveness of Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone Analogues with add-back hormone replacement therapy versus repeat Laparoscopic surgery

Peauurija: Lucky Saraswat

Recurrence of endometriosis is common after initial surgical and hormonal treatment with 40-50% women reporting recurrence of pain and 30% have a repeat surgery within 5 years.
REGAL trial is an NIHR funded multicentre trial aimed at optimising treatment of recurrence of pain and reduce the health care burden and risks associated with repeat surgery. REGAL trial is currently recruiting from Endometriosis centres in the UK. Women with recurrence of pain after previous laparoscopic treatment to endometriosis are randomised to either GnRH analogues with add back HRT (for 2 years) or repeat laparoscopic surgery to excise or ablate endometriosis. The primary out come of interest is pain assessed by pain domain of Endometriosis Health profile 30. Oher outcomes include quality of life, adverse effects, bone mineral density ( DXA scans at baseline, 12 and 24 months) and costs.

Exploring experiences, information and support needs of women with endometriosis during the COVID pandemic

Peauurija: Lucky Saraswat

Endometriosis is a long-term condition affecting 10% of women leading to causes pelvic pain, painful periods or sex, infertility and poor quality of life with a negative impact on relationships, education and employment.
A need for laparoscopy (key-hole surgery) to confirm the diagnosis, lack of awareness, huge variation in symptoms, and social and cultural taboos around menstrual pain have led to delayed diagnosis (average 8 years in the UK), inequalities in care, repeated visits to healthcare professionals, and lack of provision of long-term support and care – issues which were also highlighted in a recent parliamentary report.
During the pandemic, with resources diverted to COVID care, women with endometriosis saw their treatments stopped, cancelled or changed with very little warning, little information available and extremely limited access to clinicians (in primary or secondary care). A key issue in optimal management of endometriosis is the lack of awareness and tailored information and support.
Our study funded by NHS Grampian Endowments aims to explore the experiences, information and support needs of a diverse group of women with endometriosis during the pandemic (with learning for beyond). Findings will be used to develop an information and support package for women with endometriosis and designing optimal health care service (a key research recommendation).